home on a sunny day

How to rebuild better when disaster strikes? 

September 2023

Working house cartoon image

Working From Home? What to Consider for your Home Insurance

Find out what is and isn’t covered when it comes to working from home.
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Couple on bed eating pizza

Renting with your Partner for the First Time (Tips)!

Renting out a property for the first time & moving in with your partner can be hard, read renting with your partner for the first time (relationship tips).
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Christmas tree decoration of a house

Ways to keep your home safe at Christmas - Allianz Ireland

Christmas is a wonderful time but it's also a time for heightened hazards & burglaries. Check out our tips on keeping your home safe and secure at Christmas.
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Big blue front door with an authum wreath on it. A large double window is either side of it with a potted plant.

My Dream Home - A true story from an Irish consumer!

Read about how a Kilkenny family (Allianz consumers) turned an 1820s grain store into their dream home. Take note or ideas from their experience when renovating
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Icicle branch

Tips to prevent frozen and burst pipes - Home Insurance

Take note of our guide on preventing frozen pipes in the house and burst pipes this Winter because a frozen shoulder is a problem and so is leaks in the house.
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Climate change energy efficient lightbulb

Tackling climate change (Irish Consumers Concerns)

From real life data, 53% of Irish people (consumers) are concerned about the impact climate change will have on their local community. That's why we have a blog
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Rebuild Better

How to Rebuild Better when Disaster Strikes - Allianz

At Allianz we are committed to providing protection that gives customers confidence in tomorrow & we are ecstatic about launching our new offer Rebuild Better!
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Man talking on phone

Top 5 Home Insurance Claims - Allianz Ireland Insurance

Unsure about which home insurance to get? We compiled our top 5 home insurance claims that Allianz receive on a daily basis to give you an idea & then decide.
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girl sitting on couch listening to music

Protect Your Apartment with Contents Insurance - Allianz

If you own and live in your own apartment, see how Allianz apartment contents insurance can protect your possessions, the similarities & differences with others
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44 releases in total