
Notwithstanding that in many cases it is the Patron or Trustees that may incur liability in respect of the issues referred to in this document we have used the term Board as it is the Board of Management appointed by such Patrons or Trustees who on a day to day basis have responsibility for the management of the school. Where we have indicated that the Policy provides indemnity to the Board we confirm that such indemnity is also provided to the Patron and/or Trustees for their respective rights/interests.


Reference to Employee throughout this document includes all employees engaged by the Board including

  • Full and part-time teachers
  • Secretarial Staff
  • Caretakers
  • Special Needs Assistants
  • Resource Teachers
  • Nurses
  • Fixed term employees
  • Volunteers engaged by the Board
  • Any person supplied lent to or hired by the Board
  • Any person who is self employed
  • all whilst engaged by the Board in School Related Activities

PIAB (Personal Injuries Assessment Board)

Any reference to PIAB includes The Injuries Board. ie which is the new name for the PIAB adopted since June 2008. The website address for the Injuries Board is:


Reference to Policy throughout this document refers to the standard Allianz Custodian School Protection Policy. You must refer to your Policy wording and Schedule for precise details of your cover and all terms conditions, limitations and exclusions applicable to it.