Brexit and Green Cards FAQs

Confused cartoon man wants answers
Our most Frequently Asked Questions about Allianz Car Insurance Brexit and Green Cards.

The information detailed in this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) relates to the provision of proof of insurance to Irish registered motor vehicles planning to drive in the UK, including Northern Ireland, after January 1st 2021.

The ‘Brexit’ transitional period ended on December 31st 2020. As of January 1st 2021, Irish residents who hold a U.K or Northern Irish licence are no longer be permitted to drive under this licence in the Republic of Ireland. 

It is a requirement under your contract of insurance that anyone driving the vehicle holds a valid licence. Under the current agreement, you can continue to exchange your U.K or Northern Irish licence for an Irish licence. If you have not already done so, please contact the NDLS to apply for/exchange your UK or NI licence for an Irish licence.

Drivers travelling in their Irish registered vehicles to the UK, including NI, will not need a Green Card. A valid insurance disc will be sufficient to prove to local authorities that the cover is in place.

We encourage all our customers who hold UK licences to take all reasonable steps to get their licences exchanged as soon as possible. However, as things currently stand, failure to achieve this will have no negative impact on your existing Allianz insurance policy terms and conditions.
At this point, we do not envisage that your Allianz premium will be affected as a result of you holding a UK licence. However, we must make you aware that as of January 1st 2021,  it is no longer legal to drive with a UK licence in the Republic of Ireland.
Please contact us and advise us of this change. This change will not have a negative impact on your Allianz policy terms and conditions or your premium. 

As a resident in Ireland, your UK driving licence is no longer valid to drive here in Ireland. However, under the current agreement, it will remain valid for exchange only. More information on exchanging a driving licence can be found on the NDLS website.

There is a possibility that in the future that Ireland and the UK will enter into a bi-lateral arrangement on driving licences where Ireland recognise UK driving licences. Inevitably, this will take a little time to complete as it involves a formal agreement and legislation here in Ireland. 

As a visitor, you can continue to drive in Ireland for holidays with your existing driving licence. You are not be required to carry an International Driving Permit with you in order to drive here, just ensure to carry your UK driving licence with you.
An Irish driving licence will continue to be recognised in the UK. An Irish driving licence is an EU licence and the UK has indicated it will continue to recognise EU driving licenses.
An Irish driving licence is an EU driving licence and the UK has indicated it will continue to recognise EU driving licences.