A No Claim Bonus is a reduction in your car insurance premium that you receive for each year you don’t make a claim. It varies in value
between insurers but essentially rewards safe drivers by giving them lower premiums.
Each year you earn a No Claim Bonus, you will receive a reduction in your premium until a full bonus is earned after a set period of time.
A full No Claim Bonus is the maximum reduction you are entitled to for not making a claim. Once you reach your full bonus you’re no
longer eligible for further reductions. The maximum No Claim Bonus you can earn with Allianz is 9 years. A No Claim Bonus can only be
used on one vehicle at a time.
How Claims Effect Your No Claim Bonus
Usually when you have to make a claim you will lose all or some of your No Claim Bonus. The same applies if you’re in an accident
where the other driver makes a claim against you. If you have to make a claim because your car was stolen or damaged this will also
affect your No Claim Bonus.
If you’re in an accident and you’re not at fault however, you should be able to claim off the other drivers insurance and your No Claim
Bonus will not be affected.
For many people it makes sense to protect their No Claim Bonus. This can be achieved through purchasing optional covers
such as Protected No Claim Bonus or Step- back No Claim Bonus Protection.
Protected No Claim Bonus
Protected No Claim Bonus is an optional cover that essentially allows you to make a specific number of claims without your bonus
being affected.
If you have purchased Protected No Claim Bonus with Allianz, we will not reduce your No Claim Bonus unless more than one claim
occurs in any three year period. In addition to this, claims in respect of fire, theft or windscreen damage will not impact your bonus.
Step-back No Claim Bonus Protection
Step-back No Claim Bonus Protection is a variant of Protected No Claim Bonus that means only part of your bonus will be affected.
If you have Step Back Bonus Protection with Allianz, we will reduce your No Claims Bonus by three years if you make one claim. More
than one claim will result in your No Claims Bonus reducing to Nil. If you have 5 or more years your bonus will be stepped back to 2
What happens to your No Claim Bonus if there is a
gap in cover?
You may not be able to carry your No Claim Bonus if there is a gap in your cover. For example, if you travel abroad for a period of time
and aren’t insured you will usually lose your No Claim Bonus. This period of time varies between insurers but with Allianz it is 2 years.
The same applies if you sell your car. So if you are planning on moving abroad or selling you car this is something you should consider.
If you would like to know more about your No Claim Bonus and the various cover options available click here. Alternatively, you can get a car insurance quote online by clicking here .
Acceptance criteria, terms and conditions apply.