Many drivers will have to make a smaller claim at some stage as a result of a minor accident and one of the most common reasons for this is damage to their windscreen.

Windscreen damage usually occurs in the form of a chip or crack. Chips or cracks are most frequently caused by objects, such as gravel or pebbles that are thrown up by the tyres of another car, striking the windscreen. Other reasons for windscreen damage include: debris falling off construction lorries, stress cracks due to poor manufacturing or installation, hailstones, rapid changes in temperature and accidents. This can be a frustrating and frightening experience which can cause unexpected expense.

Windscreen cover generally covers damage to the car windscreen (including the incidents above).

With Allianz Direct, Windscreen Cover is an optional extra available with both Third Party Fire & Theft and Fully Comprehensive insurance. If you use our Aligned Windscreen Repairers, there is no limit applied to the cost of the repairs or replacement. We will also cover any scratching of the bodywork directly resulting from breakage of glass.

Where an approved Windscreen Repairer is not used however the maximum Allianz will pay is €200.

Making a claim against your windscreen cover, will not impact your No-Claim Bonus and you won’t have to pay any excess.

Nobody wants to suffer damage to their windscreen, regardless of whether or not they are covered by their policy. Luckily, there are a number of steps you can take to minimise the chance of your windscreen cracking.

  1. Drive a safe distance behind other vehicles– By keeping a safe distance behind other vehicles you can avoid flying gravel or pebbles from the road surface, or falling debris from the back of trucks.
  2. Never use boiling water to de-ice – This causes a rapid change in temperature that can lead to cracks. Use a de-icer and scraper instead.
  3. Keep your car sheltered – This will help prevent damage from hail or direct sunlight.
  4. Don’t blast the AC at a max level – Like using boiling water, this can lead to extremes in temperature which can in turn cause your windscreen to crack.
  5. Drive carefully – By exercising caution on the road you will avoid accidents keeping both you and your windscreen safe from harm.

If you would like to know more about Windscreen Cover click here  for more information.

Standard acceptance criteria, terms and conditions apply.

*Minimum premium of €284 applies.