By Martin McKeogh, November 2022
Oil was always referred to as black gold, but in reality that was when a country discovered vast resources of it within their territory. With all that is going on in the world, and in particular Russia’s war on the Ukraine, it has led to a perfect storm whereby even in small quantities oil is now even more valuable.
The economic instability has left many in our society worried about the ever increasing cost of fuel and unfortunately, there are some in our society that deliberately set out to find locations they can target for theft. Schools are particularly susceptible to this as they are often unoccupied in the evenings and weekends. Furthermore rural schools can often be very isolated but so too can urban schools with large areas of open ground isolating them from their neighbours. We have noticed a considerable increase in queries from concerned principals regarding oil and what they can do to secure it.
- Only purchase from a reputable company. You probably have your regular supplier that you know and trust. Be wary of unknown suppliers contacting you with discounted offers and special deals. The fuel can be of poor quality, previously stolen or indeed they could be looking to identify remote locations to sell and steal back. If you are changing suppliers, do your research!
- At a minimum ensure oil tanks are secured with a robust lock. Likewise look at solutions for securing and housing exposed pipework and taps. If possible erect a secured cage or compound around the tank.
- Ideally a monitored and motion activated alarm system would be in place, however this is not always feasible. At a minimum you should consider sensor lighting in the vicinity.
- Access to and storage of keys should be strictly supervised. Only specified, trustworthy key holders should have access to the keys. Wherever possible, they should be kept out of public view with only specified people knowing where they are.
- Keep an eye on any unusual incidents around your property such as keys going missing, trampled ground around the oil tank, any tampering of the tank and or pipework, unfamiliar vehicles etc.. Always be vigilant; try to avoid becoming complacent.
- Encourage neighbours to act as the “eyes and ears” of the School and report anything unusual or suspicious to you or the local Gardai. At no point should you encourage anyone to confront an intruder.
If you have any questions in relation to the above please contact your local Allianz representative or our dedicated School support team on 01 6133966 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm). Calls may be recorded. If you are insured through an insurance intermediary please contact them for assistance.