Pupil Personal Accident Cover for Schools

by Alan Carroll | 1 min read     May 6th, 2021

Our local Allianz Representatives and School Support Team often receive queries relating to the protection and peace of mind that Pupil Personal Accident cover provides for Boards of Management.  Prior to the launch of our Pupil Personal Accident insurance scheme in the mid 1980’s, the only avenue open for parents/guardians to recover medical or dental expenses incurred following an accident involving their child in school, was to take a legal action against the schools Board of Management for negligence. This process was undesirable for both the school and parents/guardians and often resulted in very costly legal fees.

Given Allianz commitment to providing superior customer service and policy cover to schools, we set about offering ,what was in the mid 1980’s, a revolutionary product to schools - Pupil Personal Accident Insurance.

Pupil Personal Accident insurance provides cover for medical and dental expenses (not recoverable from another source) incurred by any pupil included on the scheme, following an accident. Medical and dental expenses are covered up to €50,000 and cover can be arranged on a 24hour basis (365 days a year) or for School Activities Only.

Pupil Personal Accident Insurance reduces the likelihood of a legal action being taken against a schools Board of Management following an accident in school, as parents/guardians can simply reclaim their medical and dental expenses (not recoverable from another source) under this Policy. 

Some injuries can result in prolonged periods of treatment which can span over many years and continue into the pupils late teens or early twenties, long after their education has finished. Allianz’s Pupil Personal Accident does not put a time limit on expenses for valid claims. This can be a huge source of comfort and reassurance to parents when their child suffers a longer tail injury.

Our Pupil Personal Accident Policy can be arranged online https://www.allianz.ie/school. Simply click the buy icon and follow the onscreen instructions and you will avail of a 20% premium saving. Our premiums per pupil for the 2021/2022 year remain unchanged from last year.  You can find details here of premiums for Primary and Secondary pupils.

if you have any queries in relation to the above please feel free to contact our School support team on 01 6133966 (Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm) or education@allianz.ie . As always you can also contact your local Allianz representation to discuss, see here for details. If your Pupil Personal Accident Policy has been arranged through an insurance intermediary then please contact them directly for assistance.

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Allianz-Allianz-Pupil-Personal-Accident-Cover-Summary.pdf (size 743.7 KB)

Alan Carroll
Alan is the Allianz Local Representative for the North East and has been with Allianz for six years, all of which has been spent working with the Religious and Education Team. He in the current role for four years having previously worked as an underwriting.