Understanding your School’s Insurance Renewal Schedule

By Martin McKeogh | January 2022


February 1st will be a good day. The Christmas indulgence will be long forgotten, and the light at the end of the January tunnel will have been reached. The start of February is often a kick-start date and brings the spirit of a spring renewal.

February 1st   also brings another type of renewal for many of our schools, their school insurance renewal. As with all aspects of life there are things we put on the long finger and there are things we genuinely intend to review or do at a later point but life happens and they get missed. In advance of your school insurance renewal, be it February 1st or later in the year, we have provided some guidance below to assist you to get this task done now so you focus on important education matters. 

In this blog we are focusing on reviewing your Renewal Schedule and ensuring the information is correct and appropriate.

school insurance premium details


1. Review the items you have insured and consider any additions to the school in the year(s) that you may not have advised Allianz on such as an astro pitch area, a steel shed, a new classroom/extension, a pre-fab or modular building. Similarly you may have removed some items that no longer require insurance.

2. Review the sums insured allocated to the buildings and contents and ask yourself this:

        a. Buildings: Would the amount stated be adequate to rebuild the item if it was completely destroyed?

        b. Contents: Would the amount stated be adequate to replace the entire contents as new if they were completely destroyed?

3. Do the number of pupils noted match the current number enrolled in your school? 

        a. Please note we do not require your school to inform us of changes to pupil numbers during the year. 

4. If any of the above factors are amended this may impact your premium. The premium stated is inclusive of a 5% government levy. The premium can be paid in full but we also provide schools with the option to pay in 2 equal instalments during the year at no additional cost.


There are a number of other documents  in the school insurance renewal pack  including policy endorsement wordings, the policy IPID (Insurance Product Information Document) which acts as a summary of cover, information regarding CICA (Consumer Insurance Contracts  Act 2019) including a list of premiums and claims for the last 5 years and your payments options form.


As always, Allianz are here to assist you. If you have concerns over the adequacy of your sums insured or any other aspect of your insurance then simply contact your Local Allianz Representative or your School Support Team on 01 613 3966 or education@allianz.ie.


 If you are insured through an intermediary then please contact them for assistance.