Pet insurance claims

A dedicated and fair claims service, it's our number one priority.
Please note: Our policy document and claim forms are available at the bottom of the page for you to download.

Before your pet is treated, you must make sure that the vet is prepared to fill in our pet insurance claim form, provide
your pets medical notes and provide invoices.

You will need to fill in a claim form and ask your vet to fill in the appropriate part. We will not pay for the vet to do this.

You can also phone our Claims Team on 01 613 3990 and ask for a claim form, many vets also have supplies of claim
forms. In the case of claims for referral vets please ensure we have received a claim from the original vet. If you know
that you have some expensive veterinary treatment coming up and you are unsure about whether you will be able to
claim for some or all of the cost of treatment, then you and your vet can send us a completed pre-authorisation claim
form before treatment starts.

Please phone us on 01 613 3990 for approval of any reward before you advertise it. You will need to fill in a claim

You can phone our Claims Team on 01 613 3990 and ask for a claim form or download one from the bottom of this

You will need to send us: The claim form fully completed along with invoices and receipts to show the costs involved,
including a receipt for any reward you paid.

You will need to fill in a claim form.

You can phone our Claims Team on 01 613 3990 and ask for a claim form or download one from the bottom of this
page. You will need to send us:

The claim form fully completed and filled in by your doctor or consultant and by the owner of the boarding kennel or
cattery. We will not pay for this information.

An invoice from the kennel or cattery or written confirmation from the person looking after your pet.

As soon as you discover your pet is missing, you will need to:

  • Notify the Gardai and ask for the crime reference number or written confirmation of your report.
  • Tell all vets within a reasonable distance of the area where your pet was last seen.
  • Fill in a claim form if your pet has not been found within 30 days.
  • Receipts, including name, address and telephone number of anyone you have paid a reward to, to support a
    Claim for reward (if applicable).

You will need to fill in a claim form.

You can phone our Claims Team on 01 613 3990 and ask for a claim form, many vets also have supplies of claim forms.

You will need to send us:

  • The claim form fully completed.
  • A death certificate from your vet, we will not pay for the vet to do this.
  • The pedigree certificate (if applicable) and receipt from whom you bought your pet.

We will not pay any amount if the death results from an Illness or disease in any select breed aged 5 years or over or any other pet aged 8 years or over. The selected breeds are as follows:

  • Beauceron
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Bulldog
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog
  • Deerhound
  • Dogue de Bordeaux
  • Estrela Mountain Dog
  • Great Dane
  • Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
  • Irish Wolfhound
  • Leonberger
  • All Mastiff breeds
  • Newfoundland
  • Old English Sheepdog
  • Pyrenean Mountain Dog
  • Rottweiler
  • Shar-pei
  • St. Bernard

You will need to fill in a claim form.

You can phone our Claims Team on 01 613 3990 and ask for a claim form, many vets also have supplies of claim forms.

You will need to send us:

  • The claim form fully completed.
  • A death certificate from your vet, we will not pay for the vet to do this.
  • The pedigree certificate (if applicable) and receipt from whom you bought your pet.

You will need to fill in a claim form.

You can phone our Claims Team on 01 613 3990 and ask for a claim form or download one from the bottom of this page, many vets also have supplies of claim forms.

You will need to send us:

  • The claim form fully completed by you and your vet, we will not pay for the vet to do this.
  • The booking invoice and cancellation invoice from the travel agent, tour operator or other holiday sales organisation. The invoices must show the date of the booking, the dates of the holiday, the total cost of the holiday, the date you decided to cancel or return home and any expenses you cannot recover.

Don't admit responsibility, or agree to pay any claim or negotiate with any other person following an incident.

Provide us with any information we reasonably ask for.

Allow us to take charge of your claim and allow us to prosecute in your name for our benefit.

Immediately send us any writ, summons or legal documents you receive and you must never send any replies to any of
these documents.

You will need to fill in a claim form.

You can phone our Claims Team on 01 613 3990 and ask for a claim form.

We will do everything we can to settle your Claim promptly and efficiently although there may be some factors which
can change the course of a Claim. We will do our utmost to resolve the situation with our straightforward approach.

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